
at heart.

Most people are surprised when they find out I make the trek to Brigham City to teach contemporary & ballet classes 3X a month. The drive is for sure NO FUN, but it is oh so worth it.

>>It is worth it because I gain so much<<

+  From being in a studio again.
+ From sharing my passion with others and {hopefully} inspiring them
+ From being around people who inspire me and who push me to be better
+ I get to put on my pointe shoes again {get to? hah!}
+ I get to wake up sore {seriously - it's the best}
+ & I simply get to dance again!

>It is so worth it when<

+ I see dancers make progress
+ They tell me they were so sore after the last class
+ I walk into the studio and hoards of dancers run up and hug me

I am so grateful for the money and time my parents spent giving me the opportunity to pursue my passion when I was younger. I am also grateful that they stood by me when I told them I was done. I am not a professional ballerina, but I am, to the core, a dancer.  I love sharing my passion with others, and I love finally getting to do it in an environment where imperfections are embraced.

I love having a place to go where I can be around people who are the same as me - dancers at heart.


{{San Fran 08}}

1 comment:

Edwards Fam said...

Now is a time when I wish I had little girls...girls love ballerinas!! A bunch of my nieces are in ballet and you would be their hero if you were their aunt. We miss you guys so much!!!

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