
doo dee doo

I am soo, soo, behind on blogging! It seems like as soon as school got out I no longer needed something to do to put off doing homework. Which is a total bummer, because school getting out meant the fun stuff was just beginning. So this post'll be packed. Can't say I didn't warn you!

Last week, Tanner went to San Fransisco on a business trip. He is all grown up! He had SUCH a wonderful time. He was able to go to Fisherman's Wharf, China Town, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Alcatraz! (And he did a little bit of work ;)) How lucky is he? Growing up, my Dad's business trips weren't this fun (at least, he pretended like they weren't). So while Tanner was getting all excited to go -- I kept being being debbie downer and telling him he wasn't going to have fun! (what do I know?!) I am so so glad I was wrong! And I am so glad to have him back. He learned lots of fun things about windows 8 and got to download it for free, even though it doesn't come out until December, cool, huh?

While Tanner was in SF, I was a lonely girl. I read books and took naps to recover from finals. (I have a long recovery time) It was pure heaven. I finished "Uglies", which was for book club, and started the "The Happiness Project." I am pretty sure I could write my own happiness project book though, it would be called the hurry up and graduate project.

Before Tanner left we went on a date to Tepenyaki and to see "The Lucky One" I loved it. Of course. Seriously though. Unfortunately, it wasn't as smutty as I had hoped (haha just kidding). We also went to Bridal Veil Falls & to Provo Beach Resort for ice cream (BEST EVER) a few days before he left.

After Tanner got home we went to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I love the gardens there, so of course, I loved the tulip festival. While we were there we got junky carnival food. We felt like the walking dead for a few hours (or days) afterwards. Why does carnival food always look so good & taste so bad?!

Sunday was so super duper busy. We had been looking forward to a Sunday where I wasn't studying all day, but alas, it was the last Sunday of the month, so instead of studying all day we were visiting/home teaching all day! It was good though. M & M came over and we played a very competitive game of UNO. Woops.

And FINALLY this week I have been going shopping all week to get some work clothes (City Creek & the Outlets with mum). I left j crew with a giant full back today. It felt way good and way fun until I looked at the bank account! It's for work, guys, I had no choice really :)

Happy Thursday! T & I are seeing Avengers tonight & then headed to Logantown for graduation and a walk down memory lane! 

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