
car washes and conference



Friday we kicked it off (pun) by eating at Noodles then heading to the BYU game. Javan got us amazing tickets and we loved being able to go cheer on the Aggies! (under our breath of course.) Before the game we met up with Javan and ate some more yummy food at her event, and then headed into the game. This was the first time I had ever been to a BYU game and it was actually really fun! I was so worried about sitting still for that long (Because I have the attention span of a humming bird apparently?) But I loved it! It was a blast.... except for the fact that USU lost. Whatever. 

Us all bundled up! It was a COOLD fall night 

Saturday I worked and then headed straight to the lake to go sailing and listen to conference with my Dad, Tanner and Wes. I was totally dreading it because I was tired from work, but it was so fun and peaceful, and honestly the perfect setting to listen to conference, and we got some amazing sailing in! 

After sailing T headed straight to Priesthood with Quinstagram. After Priesthood Tanner & Quinn kindly invited me to get Sushi with them. Also they invited me to arrive at the restaurant 10 minutes early to get a table. Whatever, guys. I got sushi out of it. It was great! And I was the only girl in the whole restaurant, except for the waitresses. Literally. It was crazay! 

Quinstigram showing off his instagram. Cute. 

This post just KEEEEEPS on going. BUT. This is the best part! After sushi we decided to get a car wash... because, um... its been like 8 months or so. So it was about time, I'd say. So, we pull up to the car wash and there are four options;
Rain ($4)
Storm ($5)
Monsoon ($6)

Since we don't get car washes ever, this whole cute name thing totally took me off guard. I mean who wouldn't choose the typhoon? That is right, we got the typhoon.

Tanner only had 3 dollar bills, and then a 20. So he put the 20 in and out comes...
13 dollars worth of quarters. I was buckled over in my seat CRYING, and Tanner is over there trying to hold all these quarters as they come out of the machine. We were not expecting quarters. It would have been SUPER upsetting if it weren't so ridiculously funny. 

And, to boot? The typhoon didn't even get our car clean! Lame. 

1 comment:

Ainsley said...

what a fun weekend. i can't believe after living in utah county your entire life, this was your first time at a byu game. crazy.

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