
friday the 13th

Yesterday was not a good day. Hopefully blogging about it will make it seem more funny and less ridiculous.

 Tanner & I planned on going camping Friday afternoon with some friends (ok actually just with our only friends, M & M) as a fun little Birthday getaway. We found the MOST beautiful spot *which I can't show you a picture because of what happened later* up by squaw peak. Seriously it was such a gem. It was a little rainy as we left but nothing too bad, so we headed up the canyon excited for a fun night. It was nice a cool as we set up our tent and unpacked the car.

And then the heavens opened and it started pouring & pouring & pouuuring rain. Marcus called us saying they didn't want to spend a freezing cold night in the rain.. can you believe that? Just kidding. At that point we were cold, soaking wet and hoping our tin foil dinners miraculously would cook in our poor fire.  

And then... somehow we just decided to throw in the towel and take down camp and go home. We felt lame giving in but we were soaking wet and the rain wasn't stopping.

As soon as we had the tent taken down (Tanner did most of the work) the rain stopped. But we just headed home anyway, thinking it would probably still end up raining during the night. (Pretty sure in didn't :( ) 

We came home and watched parks and rec and ate our tin foil dinners that we finished up cooking in the oven. While we ate I threw all of our muddy smelly clothes in the washing machine. 

A few hours later we were getting ready for bed & I could not for the life of me find my phone.
& then it dawned on me .

It was in the washing machine in the pocket of my coat.

Oh, what a day. 

*thank goodness for phone insurance,; Monday cannot come soon enough*

I am excited for a new day, that is for sure! 

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